Compounding for Veterinary Medicine

Giving your pet medications is not always easy. If a medication is not prepared in a pet friendly flavor, it may be a struggle to give the pet the medicine. We can prepare medications in easy to give dosage forms that animals will take.

If your pet will not take any medications by mouth, some medications can even be prepared in a form where the animal does not have to swallow at all! See the Transdermal section below.

My Pet Needs A Flavored Medication

Animals know that the medicine you are trying to give them tastes bad. They don’t understand that it is actually good for them.

Pets can be so clever! Owners tell us their pets run away at the sound of the refrigerator door.

We can work with you and your pet to flavor medications so that your pet will take them. In fact, in many cases owners tell us their cats come running when the refrigerator door opens, because they love their medicine!

Examples of flavors include:

  • Chicken, fish, or vanilla for cats
  • Dog safe chocolate, chicken, beef, or sweet flavors for dogs
  • Tutti-Fruitti, banana or marshmallow flavors for birds and other pocket pets

Transdermal Medications – An Alternative

Transdermal delivery of medication allows owners to administer medications non-invasively. This method of administering medications works well for cats. A measured amount (usually an amount half the size of a pea) of a specially prepared gel is applied to a hairless area inside the tip of the ear. The special gel allows the drug to be absorbed through the skin. This procedure is painless, tasteless, and simple. Your pet may not even know he or she is getting a medication. This can lead to better patient compliance and less owner frustration.

Not all medications are appropriate for this type of administration. Our experience can help your veterinarian take into account pharmacologic considerations and bioavailability issues prior to transdermal administration.

Note: Compounded medications from Triangle Compounding Pharmacy are not intended for use in food and food producing animals. All veterinary medications require a prescription from your veterinarian.